Midas Clinical Meet

Regional CMEs

CME At Sagar

MIDAS MULTISPECILITY HOSPITAL AND MIDAS MEDICAL FOUNDATION, NAGPUR organized medical camp in M.P. Date 17/11/2017 to 19/11/2017.

After successful medical camp a CME was conducted in Associated with I.M.A. Sagar (M.P.) Date 19/11/2017. Topic was "WHAT IS NEW IN GASTROENTERLOGY AT MIDAS" presented by Dr. Shriknat Mukewar (Senior Gastroenterologist & Director of Midas Multispecialty hospital, Nagpur) and Dr. Sagar Patil (Consultant Gastroenterologist Midas Hospital Nagpur.)

They discussed various modalities like capsule endoscopy, double ballon endoscopy, HR manomentry, endoscopic ultrasound and breathe test. Each modality along with case capsule was discussed. Video presentations were shown for each diagnostic method with its utility.

This CME session was attended by 70-75 practitioners and physicians.

CME At Satna